As great as it is to create a website and blog, coming up with new content all the time is quite a task. This is especially true if you are going to create a blog and come out with new content on a weekly basis. Some sites are even trying to accomplish such a feat on a daily basis!
While there are basically millions of topics you could be talking about, the upsetting part of all of this is that a good majority of the content that you’re going to write will eventually get lost in the mix. As new content goes live on your site, the older content will get pushed down even further. This is why it’s extremely important to make sure you are linking to previous articles within your new content.
However, even when this is done correctly, a good amount of your content will probably get lost and not seen by your new site visitors. With all of this in mind, today we are going to reflect back and look at seven useful tools and resource articles that we’ve already published on the site.
Each of these articles and resource guides provide a ton of value in their own way and we still use many of these methods to effectively promote and grow our online business today. If you are currently looking for new and exciting ways to grow your business online, be sure to consider each of these methods we point out below.
Choosing the Best Popup Lead Generation Tool for Your Site
Of the many different ways to get new subscribers onto your email list, few are as effective as lead generation and call to action forms on your site. Some of the best ways to accomplish this are by giving away something for free or getting subscribers to join from an exit pop up on your site. While these might seem annoying at times, they are extremely effective and also have settings in place to change how often such notifications appear. There are many tools and solutions out there to set such lead generation forms up on your site, but we outlined some of the best ones in this article.
How to Successfully Send Out Email and Avoid the Gmail Spam Filter
It’s one thing to be able to send out emails to your list, but it’s another to make sure they are all delivered successfully. Thanks to the advancing technology and the artificial intelligence behind the Gmail spam filter, this is now harder to accomplish than ever before. If you want to avoid the Gmail spam filter, you are going to need to follow some important guidelines and best practices. We happened to lay many of these out in this resource guide.
Improve Your ROI and Gain New Connections at Internet Marketing Events
While most businesses can be run from the comfort of your own home or office (if you are an entrepreneur or an affiliate marketer), there are still many benefits to actually getting out in the real world and connecting with others. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to actually attend an internet marketing conference that might be in your area or simply travel to one of the hot spot locations in the United States where such conferences are held on almost a daily basis. As an email marketing company, we make sure to attend various conferences throughout the year. View our updated list of our favorite email marketing and social media events in this resource guide.
Give Your Mailing List a Boost with Some New Title and Content Ideas
Just as important as creating original and engaging content on your website or blog, you need to be doing the same for subscribers on your mailing list. If you don’t, your list will likely go stale and people will unsubscribe the next time they get a random email from you. Be sure to check out this newsletter resource guide to come up with some useful ideas that might prove useful to your business will also getting to your email subscribers to open up your emails and start acting on what you have to offer.
Email Stats are Great. Visual Stats are Even Better!
As much as we could talk about email statistics and marketing tips all day, a better way to present these important figures and methods is to actually show them in visual form. In this article we actually take an infographic and break down its statistics while showing you what’s happening in the email marketing industry today. We really love this article because instead of just reading about stats and looking at numbers, we can actually see some visuals that will leave a lasting impression in our minds.
Visual Content is the Future of Online User Engagement
Sticking with the theme and concept of visual marketing, it’s important to realize your audience is looking for this type of content as well. While text content is still going to be important and SEO is at the forefront of everyone’s mind, it’s visual content that is most actively being shared through social media users around the world. If you aren’t currently using visual marketing within your advertising and branding efforts, then this is a must-read article.
Visual Content Marketing: Why Content with Visuals Get 94% More Views
How to Find the Best Email Platform for Your Business
When it comes to email marketing, there are many different components that you will need to not only understand, but also use on a daily basis. However, what every business on the internet is going to need is a reliable email list hosting solution that allows them to send out mass mailings to their audiences and also bypassing any spam filters. In this article, we take a look at some of the best email delivery platforms on the internet and will also showcase the many features of each.
Aweber vs. Constant Contact vs. ConvertKit: Which Email Platform is Best?
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First off, thank you so much for taking the time to visit our blog and reading up on the latest industry tips to help grow your email marketing business even more. Without you, our email marketing business and blog simply wouldn’t have the success and branding it has today.
We are currently working with thousands of websites and brands to deliver thousands of 100% opt-in subscribers to our clients and site partners daily. If you would like to learn more about this process and also see a huge Roi for your business, be sure to contact us today.