Email Marketing and Artificial Intelligence: Where Are We Headed

You have apparently heard or seen the power and effectiveness of artificial intelligence and the great impact it can cause on our world. It’s in the news all the time. However, what most businesses and brands are still thinking while on the sidelines, is “how can I start using AI within my own business?“.

Business owners and email marketers are also looking at AI and how they can harness the power to make email marketing smarter in the years to come. Often times, it will simply come down to finding the right email delivery or tracking solution, that already has AI built right into their platform. However, there is no doubt about it, more online businesses and ecommerce sites are exploring options with AI, while also looking to learn more about automation and outsourcing in the process.

In most cases, adapting such a solution and process into your own business and day to day operations will be something that you need to prepare and invest time and money in. It will likely also be something custom that is built to fit your needs. If the idea of AI and implementing such methods into your own business is of interest, consider taking a look at the valuable resources offered through Intellipaat — which specialize in big data, data science and Artificial Intelligence Course — all of which can help in taking your business to greater heights.

Most people might argue about the impact of artificial intelligence on email marketing, but if there is one industry that AI needs to disrupt, it is email marketing. With over 38 dollars made for every one dollar spent using the conventional methods, one is left to wonder how much marketers will make when artificial intelligence is incorporated in email marketing.

The Market for Email Marketing

When the first email was sent in 1971, it must have been a feat that no one expected to happen. Years down the line with the innovation of technology; the era of artificial intelligence is upon us, and at the rate, it is growing, it is only a matter of time before it becomes a must-have for email marketers.

With the projection of artificial intelligence market predicted to grow at an annual rate of over 62 percent and worth over 16 billion dollars by 2022, email marketers can only expect a good thing in the union between email marketing and Artificial intelligence.

Even though the change has started already very few know how to incorporate AI into email campaigns to create smooth, free-flowing data that boost results and generate leads.

What is the role of Artificial Intelligence in Email Marketing?

Before you start thinking you will soon be replacing your marketing team with robots, think again, that is far off. Although this is some of the apprehension that AI technology brings along with all the good things it possesses, replacing humans with robots is still a far road ahead.

The future of artificial intelligence is in email marketing, and even though it is said to disrupt the workplace of the future, marketers are yet to know how to leverage on this big data technology.

Since email marketing deals with data collection and usage, AI might be the best platform for email marketers to expand their horizon with information that will build your business above your competition.

Email Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data

Well, one can hardly mention AI without big data lurking somewhere waiting to come out, and with email marketing trending more than ever with its over 3.8 million email user globally, marketers are getting to that point where it is hard to make distinguishing emails without some sort of technology.

However, email marketing is receiving a makeover as big data, and AI is poised to change the industry by offering marketers a tool that allows you to stay above the competition even with the growth of data usage.

The world of email marketing is a crowded and noisy one that has seen many good and experienced marketers fail because of not being able to distinguish themselves from the pack, by leveraging on big data and artificial intelligence, marketers can learn a thing or two and change the way they use email to market to customers

Furthermore, to stay in business, you have to be able to analyze a huge set of data and know which is suitable for your customers, big data and AI can help your personalize and impact unique focal point directly at your customers to prevent bombarding subscribers with spam emails.

How AI will optimize Email Marketing?

Hyper-Targeting and Send Time Optimization

Probably the biggest problem that email marketers suffer unawareness of the location of their customers, time zone and when is the right time to send an email that will make an impact on them.

However, with AI, marketers rely on machine learning to know the exact time to send an email that you are guaranteed to be clicked on and read by the customers.

Furthermore, with the sent back the report, email marketers can use the customer’s interaction to be able to relate with the clients through motivational emails.

Dynamic Content Personalization

Customers are less likely to click on a content that doesn’t speak to them or look to generic. To remain a successful email marketer, your contents must be well-written, and speak to the clients or appeal to them.

This is where AI can be of help; with the use of machine learning, consumer behavior and interest data are gathered to generate content specifically for an individual customer.

With this, you can be sure that your emails are read and you are able to convert potential readers into new clients.

Track and Manage Subscribers Conversations

Although customer service agents are still functional, consumers prefer to serve themselves than queue up for the next available agent.

Artificial intelligence is changing how marketers interact with their subscribers by enhancing better conversations through customer behavior and messages, purchase and general online interaction and provide answers to any question they might have so that they are not kept waiting.

Convenience Customization and Automation

In email marketing, you are addressing different people at the same time, so to avoid overwhelming people with the wrong contents, you can leverage on the power of AI to help in customizing and automating the contents to each email for a particular customer.

You are able to do this by creating segmentation according to the data collection of various subscribers’ online behavior and through AI and machine learning; you are able to give customers what they want.

Using Artificial Intelligence also allows you to rearrange the segment if and when a customer’s preference changes to receive the right content accordingly.

In summary, email marketing is here to stay, and for most people, an email is a sign of respect and the start of a good relationship with a potential client.

However, it is no longer the manual, boring process of old but one that depends on innovation, time and execution.

Whether you are still thinking about tapping in machine learning and artificial intelligence technology, one should understand it before jumping on the bandwagon.

We should remember that with the current pace the world is traveling, AI-powered email marketing will soon take the marketing scene by storm changing everything we thought we knew about communication and human interaction.

